Pool Service, Repairs & Pool Cleaning in Plano, TX

Sterling Pool Service is a full-service residential swimming pool company. Our pool services include scheduled maintenance services, cleaning, repairs, renovations, and other related services for your swimming pools. We also service your pool equipment in Plano, TX including filters, valves, cleaners, etc. We are a swimming pool repair and cleaning company that handles the total care of your residential pool. We will work with you to obtain the best possible results for your swimming pool needs, so you can enjoy your pool without worries.
Our consistent experience in the pool service industry shows just how reputable Sterling Pool Services is in handling all services for your pool. We will work with you to provide pricing variations and only the services you need. We won't hassle you to add services that are not necessary. No matter what service we are providing, we will present you with documented bids so you will know exactly what you are paying for. It doesn't matter if you want weekly cleaning services or repairs for your pool equipment, we will help give you the best possible services within your budget.
When you need work done on your residential swimming pool in the Plano, TX area, call us at 888-973-0274. We have been providing exceptional services for over 26 years and will ensure we do the same for your pool.
Learn about Plano, TX:
Plano, TX was discovered by settlers in the 1840s, but the population did not increase until there were some facilities in the area. The addition of these facilities included a sawmill, gristmill, and a convenience store, and in 1872, local residents recommended the area be named after its natural local terrain.

Plano was later accepted as the city name by the first established post office in the area. Later that year, railroads were constructed through the area, increasing the population and leading the city to be incorporated in 1873. Plano's central business district lost most buildings after a fire damaged the area in 1881 and the city was reconstructed throughout the 80s. During that time period, businesses were booming once again and in 1881, the Plano Independent School District was established for public education. By 1960, there were almost 3,700 residents in Plano, TX. In 1990, there were over 128,700 residents populating the city and establishing the city as the county seat. By the year 2000, Plano was recognized as one of the largest suburbs of Dallas with a population over 222,000. Today, the area is fully developed and there's not much room to grow within the city limits, making it a city of plentiful opportunities.
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Customer Reviews from Plano and Surrounding Areas
( 4.98 out of 27 reviews )
March 10, 2015
Mark in Plano was glad to see that Kevin oversaw the pool repairs personally.
February 01, 2021 | Plano, TX
We sent her a bid to replace the whole unit as it is beyond repairing for cheaper. She signed the agreement the same day and we were able to install her new Polaris 280 with an extended warranty, two days later.
December 04, 2020 | Plano, TX
We were able to schedule a filter clean the next week after she called in with the problem. We found the filter to very much need this service. Because the filter had gone so long without being broken down and thoroughly cleaned, we noted that the next time this service needs to be done t will require Five New filter grids. If you put this service off, it will cost you more.
July 24, 2020 | Plano, TX
The company owner went to his house to first check on the filter for any issues. He found the pump not running at full prime. After inspecting the pump, he found the impeller to be clogged due to a broken pump basket. He unclogged the impeller and replaced the pump basket and the equipment ran normally.
June 18, 2020 | Plano, TX
Our owner went to his house to inspect the pool pump and other equipment for this failure. Luckily he found it only needed the capacitor replaced. He had one on the truck so he was able to get the pump running before leaving.
June 19, 2020 | Plano, TX
Our pool tech. went to his house and did a full water analysis. He found the cyanuric acid (stabilizer) level to be at zero. He added the required amount of stabilizer to the pool and this enabled the water to hold chlorine so it can kill algae.
May 22, 2020 | Plano, TX
Our owner made it his house to inspect the problem hours after he called. He inspected the equipment for signs of leaks first then cleaned their filter. After the filter clean was finished he confirmed the backwash valve is having issue. He took it apart and found the piston assembly needed replaced.
July 06, 2017
To ensure that your pool is always in its best condition, here’s a checklist to help you stay on track with summertime pool maintenance and care.
August 18, 2015
We at Sterling Pool Service often remind our customers to be proactive when it comes to pool safety, especially if they have family members who are at risk of drowning.